Sunday, January 25, 2009

What's in a Name

It's amazing how the days whiz by; in a matter of seconds my one year old has learned to use a step-stool to climb on the coffee table to play cars with a 10 year old neighbor who are both engaged in racing. Boys are always ready to have fun playing with cars no matter what stage they are in life.

I get the most "joy" out of life being a mom.

My mom called me "joy to the world" for obvious name. At one point in my young life when asked my name I answered "joy to the world," my 4 older brothers and sisters laughing and snickering in the back ground. Of course, I thought they were making fun of my name and I started to not like to the name Joy. Later I learned to appreciate it's uniqueness and grew the like it. I am a firm believer in a persons name is a true representation of their personality. For example, my brother Mark--his name means warrior. He is always at war, in a heated debate or at odds about an issue, with someone. I am often told my name is a perfect representation of me and my personality. I hope so!

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